

Cupping is a traditional therapy dating back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese and Middle Eastern cultures. It was first performed using a cow horn, but we use plastic suction cups.

Cupping involves a practitioner preparing the area to be worked on with a gentle exploratory massage then creating a suction effect by applying cups onto client’s skin, creating a vacuum. This process draws skin and blood vessels, allowing body fluids and blood to move within tissues. It aids circulation and frees tight muscles, possibly helping reduce inflammation and the increase of oxygenation. Thus assisting the body to heal itself.

One may experience fatigue after cupping therapy as the body is working hard to process the toxins released as a result of the treatment


Promoting blood flow to the skin

Reducing pain and inflammation

Decreasing muscle tightness

Activating the immune system

Aids removal of toxins

Payment accepted by bank transfer or cash. If you need to cancel a booking, please let us know 48 hours before your session to avoid cancellation charges.


  • Pamela Jo Proudfoot


  • £50 for 45 minutes